Perfect Time
Perfect Time is an online clock, which is synchronized, every 15 seconds, with NIST atomic clocks.
The project originated from the need to make Comet technology visible.
Comet, also known as Reverse Ajax, is a method used to create a persistent HTTP connection in "Push style" Push between client and server.
Basically, single client's request (browser) can correspond to infinite sequential answers on the server's behalf (webserver which hosts the site).

The project includes a system of automatic reconnection whenever a loss of connection with the Internet may occur.

Before HTML5 it was only possible to emulate a persistent connection, so it is necessary to implement various workaround in order to guarantee a good compatibility with old-generation browsers.

Here is a list of the used Comet's methods:
  • IFRAME_CALL: extends compatibility to extremely old generation browsers (ex. Internet Explorer 6) and Konqueror.
  • persistent AJAX call: for all Ajax enabled browsers.
  • XDomainRequest: aimed to support IE8/9/10's own methods.
  • SSE (Server-Sent Events): for all HTML5 and SSE compatible browsers.
The site of the project contains a console, on the left hand-side, which has the aim of monitoring the arrival of new chunks from the server.
The Comet system is compatible with all the main browsers present on Windows, MacOS, Linux and the large majority of mobile devices.

You can view the project by clicking on the logo below.

Perfect Time

99% completed
  • support for HTML5 Websockets
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