Should you require a quote on the feasibility of your idea, please send an email to the mailbox below.
NaИ will evaluate the requests. Then, if both parties are interested in proceeding further, it will contact you to analyze your idea more in depth.
Only later will a feasibility analysis and a tailored quotation be carried out.

If a detailed technical analysis for an ad-hoc project is required, the drafting of a quotation may have a cost **.
In order to anticipate any objections to the above, try to think of the amount of work which originates from an accurate, detailed technical analysis, which is essentially the execution of a fully planned conceptual project.
The resulting quotation will not only help you get a clear idea of the project, but represent the concretization of your objectives, enriched by our added value.
This would then give you, at a disadvantage to us, the freedom to approach our competitors.
** condition valid only in case a commercial agreement is NOT concluded
Webrevolver (NaИ) - Via Rivoli 1, 10090Bruino (TO) - VAT IT09897770013 - CF NNNLRT81C26L219P - 2008 ~ 2024
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